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I like Cardcaptor Sakura! and also, FullMetal Alchemist: Brotherhood!

Saturday, October 25, 2014


        I.            Simile
It is a comparison between two things that are not the same using like or as.
1.       Your lips are like a red, red rose.
2.       “Cause she looks like a flower but she stings like a bee like every girl in history.”
-Ricky Martin

      II.            Metaphor
Stating one entity/thing is another for the purpose of comparing them in quality. Two nouns are compared (or contrasted) to one another; unlike simile, you don’t use like or as.
1.       “But my heart is a lovely hunter that hunts on a lovely hill.”
2.       He was a lion in the battlefield.

    III.            Personification
It is attributing or applying human qualities to inanimate objects, animals, or natural phenomena.
1.       The haughty lion surveyed his realm.
2.       My car was happy to be washed.

    IV.            Hyperbole
It is the use of exaggerated terms for emphasis. It is an exaggeration of a statement.
1.       “The bag weighted a ton.”
 (Hyperbole helps to make the point that the bag was very heavy although it is not probable that it would actually weigh a ton.)

2.       The whole world was staring at me.

3.       She is as big as an elephant.

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