5 items | 10 items | 15 items |
5-95 | 10-95 | 15-95 |
4-90 | 9-91 | 14-93 |
3-85 | 8-87 | 13-90 |
2-80 | 7-83 | 12-88 |
1-75 | 6-79 | 11-85 |
0-70 | 5-75 | 10-83 |
| 4-74 | 9-80 |
| 3-73 | 8-78 |
| 2-72 | 7-75 |
| 1-71 | 6-74 |
| 0-70 | 5-73 |
| | 4-72 |
| | 2-3-72 |
| | 1-71 |
| | 0-70 |
20 items | 25 items | 30 items |
20-95 | 25-95 | 30-95 |
19-93 | 24-93 | 29-93 |
18-91 | 23-92 | 28-92 |
17-89 | 22-90 | 27-91 |
16-87 | 21-89 | 26-90 |
15-85 | 20-87 | 25-88 |
14-83 | 19-86 | 24-87 |
13-81 | 18-84 | 23-86 |
12-79 | 17-83 | 22-84 |
11-77 | 16-81 | 21-83 |
9-10-75 | 15-80 | 20-82 |
7-3-74 | 14-78 | 19-80 |
5-6-73 | 13-77 | 18-79 |
3-4-72 | 11-12-75 | 17-78 |
1-2-71 | 9-10-74 | 16-76 |
0-70 | 6-8-73 | 13-15-75 |
| 4-5-72 | 10-12-74 |
| 1-3-71 | 7-9-73 |
| 0-70 | 4-5-72 |
| | 1-3-71 |
| | 0-70 |
35 items | 40-items | 45-items |
35-95 | 40-95 | 45-95 |
34-94 | 39-94 | 44-94 |
33-93 | 38-93 | 43-93 |
32-92 | 37-92 | 41-42-92 |
31-91 | 36-91 | 40-91 |
30-89 | 35-90 | 39-90 |
29-88 | 34-89 | 38-89 |
28-87 | 33-88 | 37-88 |
27-86 | 32-87 | 36-87 |
26-85 | 31 -86 | 35-86 |
25-84 | 30-85 | 33-34-85 |
24-83 | 29-84 | 32-84 |
23-82 | 28-83 | 31-83 |
22-81 | 27-82 | 30-82 |
21-79 | 26-81 | 29-81 |
20-78 | 25-80 | 28-80 |
19-77 | 24-79 | 27-79 |
18-76 | 23-78 | 25-26-78 |
15-17-75 | 22-77 | 24-77 |
11-14-74 | 21-76 | 23-76 |
7-10-73 | 17-20-75 | 20-22-75 |
4-6-72 | 13-16-74 | 15-19- 74 |
1-3-71 | 9-12-73 | 9-14-73 |
0-70 | 5-8-72 | 4-8-72 |
| 1-4 -71 | 1-3-71 |
| 0-70 | 0-70 |
50-items | 55-items | 60-items |
50-95 | 55-95 | 60-95 |
49-94 | 53-54-94 | 58-59-94 |
47-48-93 | 52-93 | 57-93 |
46-92 | 51-92 | 55-56-92 |
45-91 | 49-50-91 | 54-91 |
44-90 | 48-90 | 52-53-90 |
42-43-89 | 46-47-89 | 51-89 |
41-88 | 45-88 | 49-50-88 |
40-87 | 44-87 | 48-87 |
38-39-86 | 42-43-86 | 46-47-86 |
37-85 | 41-85 | 44-45-85 |
36-84 | 39-40-84 | 43-84 |
35-83 | 38-83 | 41-42-83 |
33-34-82 | 37-82 | 40-82 |
32-81 | 35-36-81 | 38-39-81 |
31-80 | 34-80 | 37-80 |
30-79 | 32-33-79 | 35-36-79 |
28-29-78 | 31-78 | 34-78 |
27-77 | 30-77 | 32-33-77 |
26-76 | 28-29-76 | 31-76 |
21-25-75 | 23-27-75 | 25-30-75 |
16-20-74 | 17-22-74 | 19-24-74 |
11-15-73 | 11-16-73 | 13-18-73 |
6-10-72 | 6-10-72 | 7-12-72 |
1-5-71 | 1-5-71 | 1-6-71 |
0-70 | 0-70 | 0-70 |
65 items | 70- items | 75 items |
64-65-95 | 70-95 | 75-95 |
62-63-94 | 68-69-94 | 72-73-94 |
60-61-93 | 66-67-93 | 70-71-93 |
59-92 | 64-65-92 | 68-69-92 |
57-58-91 | 62-63-91 | 66-67-91 |
56-90 | 61-90 | 64-65-90 |
54-55-89 | 59-60-89 | 62-63-89 |
52-53-88 | 57-58-88 | 61-88 |
51-87 | 55-56-87 | 59-60-87 |
49-50-86 | 53-54-86 | 57-58-86 |
48-85 | 52-85 | 55-56-85 |
46-47-84 | 50-51-84 | 53-54-84 |
44-45-83 | 48-49-83 | 51-52-83 |
43-82 | 46-47-82 | 50-82 |
41-42-81 | 45-81 | 48-49-81 |
39- 40-80 | 43-44-80 | 46-47-80 |
38-79 | 41-42-79 | 44-45-79 |
36-37-78 | 39-40-78 | 42-43-78 |
35-77 | 37-38-77 | 40-41-77 |
33-34-76 | 36-76 | 38-39-76 |
27-32-75 | 29-35-75 | 31-37-75 |
20-26-74 | 22-28-74 | 23-30-74 |
14-19-73 | 15-21-73 | 16-22-73 |
7-13-72 | 8 -14-72 | 8-15-72 |
1-6-71 | 1-7- 71 | 1-7-71 |
0-70 | 0-70 | 0-70 |
80 items | 85 items | 90 items |
79-80-95 | 84-85-95 | 89-90-95 |
77-78-94 | 82-83-94 | 87-88-94 |
75-76-93 | 80-81-93 | 85-86-93 |
73-74-92 | 78-79-92 | 83-84-92 |
71-72-91 | 76-77-91 | 80-81-91 |
69-70-90 | 74-75-90 | 78-79-90 |
67-68-89 | 72-73-89 | 75-77-89 |
65-66-88 | 79-71-88 | 73-74-88 |
63-64-87 | 67-68-87 | 71-72-87 |
61-62-86 | 65-66-86 | 68-70-86 |
59-60-85 | 63-64-85 | 66-67-85 |
57-58-84 | 61-62-84 | 64-65-84 |
55-56-83 | 59-60-83 | 62-63-83 |
53-54-82 | 56-58-84 | 59-61-82 |
51-52-81 | 54-55-83 | 57-58-81 |
49-50-80 | 52-53-82 | 55-56-80 |
47-48-79 | 50-51-81 | 52-54-79 |
45-46-78 | 48-49-80 | 50-51-78 |
43-44-77 | 46-47-79 | 48-49-77 |
41-42-76 | 44-45-78 | 46-47-76 |
33-40-75 | 35-43-77 | 37-35-75 |
25-32-74 | 26-34-76 | 28-36-74 |
17-24-73 | 18-25-75 | 19-27-73 |
9-16-72 | 9-17-74 | 10-18-72 |
1-8-71 | 1-8-73 | 1-9-71 |
0-70 | 0-70 | 0-70 |
95 items | 100 items | 105 items |
94-95-95 | 99-100-95 | 103-105-95 |
92-93-94 | 97-98-94 | 100-102-94 |
90-91-93 | 94-96-93 | 97-99-93 |
87-89-92 | 91-93-92 | 95-96-92 |
85-86-91 | 89-90-91 | 92-94-91 |
82-84-90 | 86-88-90 | 90-91-90 |
80-81-89 | 84-85-89 | 87-89-89 |
78-79-88 | 81-83-88 | 84-86 -88 |
75-77-87 | 79-80-87 | 82-83-87 |
73-74-86 | 76-78-86 | 79-81-86 |
70-72-85 | 73-75-85 | 77-78-85 |
68-69-84 | 71-72-84 | 74-76-84 |
66-67-83 | 68-70-85 | 71-73-83 |
63-65-82 | 66-67-82 | 69-70-82 |
61-62-81 | 63-65-81 | 66-68-81 |
58-60-80 | 61-62-80 | 64-65-80 |
56-57-79 | 58-60-79 | 61-63-79 |
54-55-78 | 55-57-78 | 58-60-78 |
51-53-77 | 53-54-77 | 56-57-77 |
49-50-76 | 51-52-76 | 53-55-76 |
39-48-75 | 41-50-75 | 43-52-75 |
29-38 -74 | 31-40-74 | 32-42-74 |
20-28-73 | 21-29-73 | 22-31-73 |
10-19-72 | 11-20-72 | 11-21-72 |
1-9-71 | 1-10-71 | 1-10-71 |
0-70 | 0-70 | 0-70 |
110 items | 115 items | 120 items |
109-110-95 | 112-115-95 | 119-120-95 |
105-198-94 | 109-111-94 | 115-118-94 |
103-104-93 | 106-108-93 | 113-114-93 |
101-102-92 | 104-105-92 | 109-112-92 |
97-100-91 | 101-103-91 | 107-108-91 |
95-96-90 | 98-100-90 | 103-106-90 |
91-94-89 | 95-97-89 | 101-102-89 |
89-90-88 | 92-94-88 | 97-100-88 |
87-88-87 | 89-91-87 | 95-96-87 |
83-86-86 | 86-88-86 | 91-94-86 |
81-82-85 | 83-85-85 | 87-90-85 |
77-80-84 | 80-82-84 | 85-86-84 |
75-76-83 | 77-79-83 | 81-84-83 |
73-74-82 | 74-76-82 | 79-80-82 |
69-72-81 | 72-73-81 | 75-78-81 |
67-68-80 | 69-71-80 | 73-74-82 |
63-66-79 | 66-68-79 | 69-72-79 |
61-62-78 | 63-65-78 | 67-68-78 |
59-60-77 | 60-62-77 | 63-66-77 |
56-58-75 | 58-69-76 | 61-62-76 |
45-55-74 | 47-57-75 | 49-60-75 |
34-44-73 | 35-46-74 | 37-48-74 |
23-33-72 | 24-34-73 | 25-36-73 |
12-22-71 | 12-23-72 | 13-24-72 |
1-11-70 | 1-11-71 | 1-12-71 |
0-70 | 0-70 | 0-70 |
125 items | 130 items | 135 items |
121-125-95 | 127-130-95 | 131-135-95 |
118-120-94 | 123-126-94 | 128-130-94 |
115-117-93 | 119-122-93 | 125-127-93 |
111-114-92 | 117-118-92 | 121-124-92 |
108-110-91 | 113-116-91 | 118-120-91 |
105-107-90 | 111-112-90 | 114-117-90 |
102-104-89 | 107-110-89 | 111-113-89 |
99-101-88 | 103-106-88 | 108-110-88 |
96-98-87 | 101-102-87 | 104-105-87 |
92-95-86 | 97-100-86 | 101-103-86 |
89-91-85 | 95-96-85 | 97-100-85 |
86-88-84 | 91-94-84 | 94-96-84 |
83-85-83 | 87-90-83 | 91-93-83 |
80-82-82 | 85-86-82 | 87-90-82 |
77-79-81 | 81-84-81 | 84-86 -81 |
74-76-80 | 77-80-80 | 80-83-80 |
70-73-79 | 75-76-79 | 77-79-79 |
67-69-78 | 71-74-78 | 74-76-78 |
65-66-77 | 69-70-77 | 70-73-77 |
63-64-76 | 66-68-76 | 68-79-76 |
51-62-75 | 53-65-75 | 55-67-75 |
38-50-74 | 40-52-74 | 41-54-74 |
26-37-73 | 27-39-73 | 28-40-73 |
13-25-72 | 14-26-72 | 14-27-72 |
1-12-71 | 1-13-71 | 1-13-71 |
0-70 | 0-70 | 0-70 |
140 items | 145 items | 150 items |
139-140-95 | 141-145-95 | 147-150-95 |
135-138-94 | 138-140-94 | 143-146-94 |
131-134-93 | 131-134-93 | 139-142-93 |
127-130-92 | 130-133-92 | 135-138-92 |
123-126-91 | 127-129-91 | 131-134-91 |
121-122-90 | 123-126-90 | 127-130-90 |
117-120-89 | 119-122-89 | 123-126-89 |
113-116-88 | 116-118-88 | 121-122-88 |
109-112-87 | 112-115-87 | 117-120-87 |
105-108-86 | 108-111-86 | 113-116-86 |
103-104-85 | 105-107-85 | 109-112-85 |
99-102-84 | 101-104-84 | 105-108-84 |
95-98-83 | 97-100-83 | 101-104-83 |
91-94-82 | 94-96-82 | 99-100-82 |
89-90-81 | 90-93-81 | 95-98-81 |
85-88-80 | 86-89-80 | 91-94-80 |
81-84-79 | 83-85-79 | 87-90-79 |
77-80-78 | 79-82-78 | 83-86-78 |
73-76-77 | 75-78-77 | 79-82-77 |
71-72-76 | 73-74-76 | 76-78-76 |
57-70-75 | 50-72-75 | 61-75-75 |
43-56-74 | 44-58-74 | 46-69-74 |
29-42-73 | 30-43-73 | 31-45-73 |
15-28-72 | 15-29-72 | 16-30-72 |
1-14-71 | 1-14-71 | 1-15-71 |
0-70 | 0-70 | 0-70 |
hi there!
been searching the internet for ages, and i finally stumbled upon this gem of a post. i'm a professional high school teacher and i am trying to write an automated grading worksheet in excel to help my fellow mentors speed up the computation of grades with little or no margin of errors.
thank you very much for this, and i am forever indebted to you my dear
hi there!
been searching the internet for ages, and i finally stumbled upon this gem of a post. i'm a professional high school teacher and i am trying to write an automated grading worksheet in excel to help my fellow mentors speed up the computation of grades with little or no margin of errors.
thank you very much for this, and i am forever indebted to you my dear
hi there!
been searching the internet for ages, and i finally stumbled upon this gem of a post. i'm a professional high school teacher and i am trying to write an automated grading worksheet in excel to help my fellow mentors speed up the computation of grades with little or no margin of errors.
thank you very much for this, and i am forever indebted to you my dear
hi there!
been searching the internet for ages, and i finally stumbled upon this gem of a post. i'm a professional high school teacher and i am trying to write an automated grading worksheet in excel to help my fellow mentors speed up the computation of grades with little or no margin of errors.
thank you very much for this, and i am forever indebted to you my dear
very nice. may I know the formula you used.thanks a lot.
hello there San Jose Provincial High School...
you're welcome, and thanks for leaving some messages in my post.
By the way,I just got this copy from my previous school where i had my OJT but i have no idea on the formula on how to get those computations. :-(
what formula did you use for these computations? thank u!!!
what formula did you use for these computations?
Hello there.. Do you have some copy of transmutation table with different percentage of grade? On what I have seen is all the total number of items are base in 95% of grade being the highest.
Can you post it here in your blog? Thanks..
Hello there.. Do you have some copy of transmutation table with different percentage of grade? On what I have seen is all the total number of items are base in 95% of grade being the highest.
Can you post it here in your blog? Thanks..
I've been searching for ages for a transmutation table that is realistic and complete. Whoever uploaded this. THANKS A MILLION!
Can you also make 60 being the lowest?
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